

Summer Rewind - Week Six

Originally Written on July 21st, 2012

Kentucky Mountain Lessons

Hello ya'll from the mountains of Kentucky,

The summer adventures continued as we packed up and left Dayton last Saturday and made our way to Kentucky to join the team that has been here for the past 5 weeks.

Main Themes of Kentucky:
1) YEILD: For this past week I have not been commanding trip leader. This was a difficult role for me to give up - a role that I had been very comfortable in. God taught me this past week how destructive I can be (without even meaning to) by not giving up this role when necessary. 1 Peter 3:13 calls me to submit (yield) to the work that he is doing through those he has placed in charge. This week that was my co-worker Shane and we've begun to work out what that means for my role on these trips in Kentucky
2) CONVERSATIONS: This week I got to have more intentional and deep in conversations with students because I was not in the role of commanding trip leader. I realized I'm a little rusty because I haven't had so much time with students over the past 5 weeks, but God is faithful and continues to work through me despite myself.
3) DEPENDENCE on God in ALL things: Even in times of doubt, God is the first I should run to, and then to take it to friends and family who can also lift me up in prayer for these things.
4) CONTENTMENT: God is working on my heart in many situations to help me find peace beyond understanding for where he is taking me on this crazy adventure.

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